The wedding ceremony strengthens and blesses a special bond between two persons who decide to share their lives and gives a clerical, formal and public framework to consciously carry out and process this important life event. The marriage is based on a deep mutual respect between the spouses, which enables them to strive for a homogeneous partnership. The union forms a harmonic mix of the various strenths and weaknesses.

To get married means to create a frame for a shared progress as a couple and as individuals. You contend with someone under all circumstances, to promote psychological and spiritual growth. During the wedding, we celebrate your decision; to find out what it means to examine and share life and death harmoniously and respectfully.

Celebrant Zen Monk Lafon will gladly guide you through the wedding ceremony.

If you live for others, you are close on the way indeed.

Your Wedding Ceremony

Since there are no compulsory and complex rituals for the wedding ceremony, we will determine its sequences in accordance with your wishes.

For more specific information regarding duration of the ceremony, schedule, additional texts (vows), exchange the rings (or something else) and speeches, we will gladly discuss it with you personally. We will recite the "Logos from the Heart" for the bridal couple and give a short speech. To symbolize the transience of life and death, each of those present can burn a pinch of incense at the end of the ceremony.

wedding speaker officiant switzerland


On Site: Determine the location that is most suitable for you


The ceremony is non-denominational. Members of all faiths are welcome.


Only the civil marriage or a concubinage contract are civilly binding in Switzerland. Please inform yourself in your municipality.


We suggest a donation of 900 CHF or by agreement (plus expenses, optional templestay, and voluntary temple donations).

  • The ceremony is non-denominational.
    Members of all faiths are welcome.


wedding speaker officiant switzerland

Munen Alain M. Lafon

I have formally trained for 10 years under the guidance of venerable Zen Monks. This training included stringent monastic practice, a strict daily meditation routine, conducting monthly 7-day retreats, ceremonies, pilgrimages, study trips to Korea and Japan, as well as co-financing and co-building two Zen Temples lead by my teachers.

Now, this work is complete. As thanks to my teachers and to pay their kindness forward, I have opened Lambda Zen Temple to the public for daily practice. From the deepest heart I bow and thank all my teachers, free from east and west.



Lambda Zen Temple
Munen Alain M. Lafon
Im Stützli 5
8750 Glarus

Phone: +41 76 405 05 67
(leave a message on the mailbox)

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